Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Canadian Mr. Assadollahi Write A Letter To NUJP

He believes that not all the journalists represented the NUJP and the group were lack of integrity and honesty and claimed that they intentionally twisted some news about the President and taking his speeches out of context to destroy his image to the international community.

Economic aid and investment might also be affected by the actions of some news outlet against President Rodrigo Duterte.

Amid the newest tirades of President Rodrigo Duterte against some journalist in the Philippines, a Canadian Political Scientist who studied the politics of the Philippines writes an open letter to the National Union of Journalist of the Philippines (NUJP).

Amir Assadollahi, wrote in his lengthy open-letter that the response of the NUJP against President Rodrigo Duterte who lambasted two giant media companies in the Philippines “is a load of crap”
Mr. Assadollahi said that NUJP were guilty of distorting the news for their own interest.

Instead of helping the country with their journalistic skills, Mr. Assadollahi believes that the media defended the side of the criminals which President Rodrigo Duterte wanted to destroy.

This is the full letter of Mr. Assadollahi:
An open letter to the National Union of Journalist of the Philippines,
Pardon my language, but let me put it in quotation so you can quote me, “your letter is a LOAD OF CRAP” written on behalf of all journalist under the National Union of Journalist of the Philippines while not all journalist agree with you.

I am a Canadian Political Scientist, and have had enough time to observe the politics of the Philippines and how its major media outlets portray the news.

I can say it with clarity that you lack the journalistic integrity and lack honesty – you intentionally and knowingly turning and twisting the news and taking the speeches out of context to make sure international community does not know the reality in the Philippines. 

Your news organizations represent the corporate media that is owned by corrupt political and economic oligarchs who are against the reforms in the Philippines.

I have not heard or read any single worthy or honest or truthful news that you as “JOURNALISTS” who in particular work for “GMA”, “ABS-CBN”, “INQ”, “Rappler” and “Philippine Star” feed the Filipinos and the global community.

I have made few commentaries in the past on my Public Wall on my FB on that topic on how to keep you honest, and I have seen that many people and the volunteers have taken the steps to show the global community and the Filipinos that they are recognizing your lies and your aims to constantly discredit the President of the Philippines and to suffocate the National Interest of the Philippines. 

You constantly aim to instigate riots and rallies in the Philippines to make news, steer the global community to block economic aid and investment in the Philippines, aimed constantly to steer tension between the ethnic groups in the Philippines and spark tension with the neighboring countries of the Philippines.

You are guilty of faking the news and deceiving the public and international community. I have seen how you cut and paste the news, I have read news by you the so called journalist that were full of distorted news aimed for the benefits of your masters (by hat I mean your corrupt bosses).

You, rather than use your journalistic skills and training to put the criminals behind bars and help your country achieve its goals to end criminality, corruption and illegal drug trades, you actually supporting criminal behaviors and corruption. You call yourself journalist, but lack integrity that a journalist must have.

You do not represent all the journalists in the Philippines, and your voice not necessary represents all of their voice. Maybe it is time to create a new Union for Journalists, and separate the fake journalist from the real journalists in the Philippines who have true integrity and they honestly report the news. 

I personally cannot recognize you as a representative of all journalists in the Philippines.
Amir Assadollahi

A Canadian Political Scientist / Commentator (just in case the name clouded the judgment of some readers!)

Last week, President Rodrigo Duterte criticized the media companies that allegedly twisted some of his statements that made him look bad.

In response, NUJP released a statement against President Rodrigo Duterte and called him a petty tyrant and indecent.

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